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In this guide, we will explore how to host a Zoom meeting, manage participants, and utilise various features such as screen sharing and recording.
To host a meeting that you have scheduled, follow these steps:
Find the meeting you created previously. It should be listed under your scheduled meetings as "Test Zoom Meeting". Click the "Start" button to begin.
When prompted, confirm that you want to open the meeting in the Zoom app. Using the Zoom app simplifies the process and provides additional features.
Click "Join with Computer Audio" to connect your audio. Immediately mute yourself to avoid feedback by clicking the mute button at the bottom of the screen.
In a Zoom meeting, you can control both your video and audio settings:
You can change the video source if you have multiple cameras connected. Click the video icon to start or stop your video.
You can mute participants by clicking the microphone icon next to their name. To ask a participant to unmute, click "Ask to Unmute".
Zoom offers several features to enhance your meetings:
Click the "View" icon in the top-right corner to switch between "Speaker View" and "Gallery View". Speaker View shows the active speaker, while Gallery View displays all participants.
Click on the participant's name and select "Rename" to change their display name for the current meeting.
To share your screen, click the "Share Screen" button at the bottom. This allows you to present a PowerPoint, share photos, or show any other content from your screen.
Open the chat window by clicking the "Chat" button. You can send messages to everyone or privately to specific participants. This is useful for asking questions or sharing links during the meeting.
Click the "Record" button to start recording the meeting. Participants will be notified that the session is being recorded. You can pause or stop the recording as needed. Recordings are saved either to the cloud or to your computer, depending on your settings.
To end the meeting, click the "End" button in the bottom right corner. You can choose to leave the meeting, which allows others to continue without you, or end the meeting for all participants.
After ending the meeting, Zoom will process any recordings and save them to your specified location. It is always good practice to update Zoom to the latest version when prompted to ensure you have the newest features and security updates.
Hosting a Zoom meeting is straightforward once you are familiar with the platform's features. Practising with a friend or colleague can help you get comfortable with the controls. Remember, if you require longer meetings or additional features, consider upgrading to a paid account.