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Optimising Video Conferencing Quality


When participating in video meetings, it is crucial to ensure your video is clear and professional. Here are some tips to enhance the quality of your video conferencing experience.

Optimising Your Background

Avoid Backlighting

One common issue is having lights behind you. This setup causes the camera to focus on the light, making you appear as a silhouette. To avoid this, simply reposition yourself so that the light source is in front of you, with a wall behind you.

Using Zoom Backgrounds and Effects

Zoom and other video conferencing tools offer various features to improve your background:

Accessing Background Settings

In your Zoom meeting, click the green icon at the top, select the cog symbol, and navigate to "Backgrounds and Effects". Here you can see a preview of your video and choose different background options.

Blurring the Background

Blurring the background is useful when you are in a busy environment. It ensures that movement behind you is not distracting or identifiable.

Changing the Background

You can also change your background to a pre-set image or upload your own. Whether you choose a professional setting or a fun background, it can enhance your video presence.

Positioning Yourself Correctly

Ensure you are well-centred in the frame. Avoid having only a portion of your face visible. Proper positioning helps maintain a professional appearance and keeps the focus on you.

Advanced Settings for Professional Use

If you are using video conferencing for professional purposes, consider using a plain background or adding your company logo. Zoom offers advanced settings to customise your video background to suit your needs.


By following these tips, you can significantly improve the quality of your video during online meetings. Proper lighting, background adjustments, and positioning will ensure you present yourself professionally.