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Setting Up and Hosting Your First Zoom Meeting

Introduction to the Zoom Dashboard

Now that we have set up our Zoom account, let's explore the dashboard and get started with our first meeting. The Zoom dashboard allows you to manage your profile, meetings, and settings. Here's a quick overview of its features:

Profile Settings

You can upload a profile picture by clicking the pencil icon and selecting an image. Additionally, you can change your name, add telephone numbers, and adjust the default language, time zone, date format, and time format. Setting the correct time zone is crucial, especially when scheduling meetings with participants in different regions.

Account Management

In your profile settings, you can also upgrade your account for additional features, such as hosting meetings with up to 100 participants. The basic plan limits meetings to 40 minutes, but the paid plan offers extended durations and more functionalities. You can also change your sign-in email, update your password, and enable two-factor authentication for added security.

Navigating the Meeting Section

On the left-hand menu, click on the "Meetings" section to view your upcoming and previous meetings, personal room, and templates. Here, you can schedule or host meetings directly. Let's schedule a meeting:

Scheduling a Meeting

  1. Click "Schedule a Meeting" on the top right corner.
  2. Enter the meeting title, for example, "Test Zoom Meeting".
  3. Optional: Add a description.
  4. Select the date and time using the calendar and time fields. Set the meeting duration. Note that the basic plan has a 40-minute limit.
  5. Confirm the time zone. By default, it matches your profile settings, but you can change it if needed.
  6. For recurring meetings, tick the "Recurring meeting" box and select the recurrence pattern (daily, weekly, monthly).
  7. Set a password for the meeting, e.g., "ProT".
  8. Configure video settings for the host and participants. Enabling video by default ensures participants are visible when they join.
  9. Adjust additional settings, such as allowing participants to join before the host or muting participants upon entry.
  10. Click "Save" to create the meeting.

Sharing Meeting Details

After scheduling the meeting, you can add it to your calendar or copy the invitation link. To share the meeting details:

  • Copy the meeting link and paste it into an email, chat, or text message.
  • Alternatively, click "Copy invitation" to copy a detailed invitation with the meeting link, password, and other information.

Editing and Starting a Meeting

To edit a scheduled meeting, go to the "Meetings" section, find the meeting, and click "Edit". Make your changes and click "Save" or "Cancel" if no changes are needed.

To start a scheduled meeting, hover over the meeting in the "Meetings" section and click "Start". Your meeting is now ready to go.


Setting up and hosting a Zoom meeting is straightforward with these steps. By configuring your profile, scheduling meetings, and sharing details effectively, you can ensure smooth and productive online interactions.