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Addressing the health and safety risks associated with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is crucial, especially for remote workers. As an employer, it is your responsibility to assess and mitigate these risks.
Determine if DSE regulations apply to your workers. These regulations are designed to protect workers from health risks related to using computer screens and other types of DSE.
Workers can conduct their own DSE assessments, provided they have received appropriate training. This includes assessing both home and office environments to ensure a comfortable and sustainable posture while using DSE.
Ensure that any equipment provided is safe and suitable. However, it's not always necessary to have office-type furniture at home for a good posture.
Your DSE assessments should help you determine if a worker's home furniture or equipment is adequate. Assessments guide what is necessary for each worker's situation.
It's important to reduce risks identified in the DSE assessment as far as is reasonably practicable. Balance the level of risk against the measures needed to control it, considering cost, time, and effort.
If the assessment indicates a need for specific DSE equipment like an ergonomic chair or keyboard, it should be provided without charge to the worker.
Managing DSE risks should be a balanced process. Consider the severity of the risk and the practicality of mitigation measures, including financial and logistical factors.