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Optimising Your Keyboard for Healthy and Efficient Working

Choosing the Right Keyboard

A high-quality keyboard is essential for efficient work. It should have clear, visible characters and offer tilting functionality for wrist support. Ideally, it should be separate from the screen, with details on laptop keyboards discussed later.

Ergonomic Keyboard Positioning

Position your keyboard to ensure straight wrists. Lightly touching the keys without stretching your fingers is key. Wrist supports are beneficial for maintaining constant wrist support.

HSE/DSE Checklist Considerations

Keyboards are a critical focus in Section One of the HSE/DSE checklist. Let's explore these ergonomic guidelines:

  • Is the keyboard separate from the screen? This is advisable unless impractical or using mobile devices.
  • Does the keyboard tilt? A built-in stand should be available for this purpose.
  • Comfortable keying position: Ensure comfortable finger and wrist positioning, potentially requiring a wrist rest.
  • Keyboard technique: Avoid bending wrists upwards, striking keys too hard, or overextending fingers.
  • Visibility of characters: Replace keyboards if characters wear out and become unreadable.

Maintaining Your Keyboard

Regular cleaning is crucial to prevent sticking keys and maintain character clarity. A well-maintained keyboard is essential for both hygiene and functionality.


Adhering to these ergonomic and maintenance guidelines will help ensure a comfortable and productive work environment, reducing the risk of strain and injury.